Postgresql dump and restore
November 21, 2020•187 words
Dumping with pg_dump
pg_dump -U [your username] [your schema] > [your-dump-file-name]_"$(date '+%F').sql" -h localhost -p 5433
Restoring with psql
psql -U postgres -h localhost -p 5433 -d [your schema] < [your-dump-file].sql
Reload configuration without restarting
SELECT pg_reload_conf();
Restore from a bz2 archive
bunzip2 your_dump.bz2
and then pg_restore -d [db-to-restore] -e [name-of-extracted-archive] -h [host] -U [user]
Backup and restore from a pod in a Kubernetes cluster
kubectl exec -it [your pod name] -- pg_dumpall -c -U postgres > /home/user/dump_db.sql
cat your_dump.sql | kubectl exec -it [your pod name] -- psql -U postgresp
Change owner recursively
select 'ALTER TABLE ' || t.tablename || ' OWNER TO [new user];'
from pg_tables t
where schemaname = 'public';
Change owner of sequences recursively
select 'ALTER SEQUENCE ' || sequence_name || ' OWNER TO [your user];'
from information_schema.sequences t
where sequence_schema = '[name of the schema]';
Delete all tables from a schema
select 'drop table if exists ' || tablename || ' cascade;'
from pg_tables
where schemaname = '[name of the schema]';
Useful queries